
Maharashtra police threat to Salman Rushdie's life by the denial of intelligence after the writer has expressed outrage over Indian-British author Rushdie. said Rajasthan police had lied to him to stop them from visiting India it-see plot mastermind.
Controversial author on the micro-blogging site Twitter, "Rajasthan police had conspired to keep me away from the Festival I have tested it.. I believe that I lied. I am very angry." Rushdie has visited India on Friday, the statement was released to fend off that his life is threatened by the andarav‌rlda. "the satanic verses" in the book banned anti-Islam things written in fury over many Muslims. Religious organizations had opposed their visits. opposition local administration were quite upset, Gor and organizer, a senior police official Saturday. Jaipur told Rushdie is only threatened by the fundamentalists, not andarav‌rlda.
In response to a comment on your tweet Rushdie said he had no idea who this false intelligence information directed at the Rajasthan police. from Twitter on were asked whether it is the same police who blocked some parts of the book to read on some writers in the literary festival. they said, "my guess is that Hari Kunzru's GreenRuchir Joshi, amitav, thayil win and writers like the police to catch this disgusting did it.. ' these authors, Rushdie's name was removed from the event in 1988 after the satanic verses were read some portion of a news link on the Twitter. Rushdie also post, which said that attacks on local intelligence officials Rushdie of Rajasthan of misinformation coming from India to the author so crafted Could be.
Rushdie's charges false: Gehlot
Author Salman Rushdie by Rajasthan Jaipur. police allegations rejected the State Government. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said it is not true of their security arrangements were made, because it was the duty of the Government at the same time he said that Rushdie. India are free to come while Rajasthan government official said '' that Rushdie's assassination of Intelligence Bureau on Jaipur Literature Festival was from. Organizers of the Jaipur, Rushdie said.
Police complaint
Salman Rushdie's visit to India from Jaipur. after the Festival to fend off ' the satanic verses "in the restricted book excerpt read four writers make the complaint against police. complaint was lodged in the Jaipur Ashok Nagar police station, including amitav Kumar, Hari Hari Kunzru 's, ruchir Joshi and charged that the four had at winning tayal intentionally read passages of the book, Which is banned in India because the book criminal act, is accused in the complaint against criminal streams. in case the action described. charo author festival organisers have gone except. Festival programme in organizing the authors cautioned that if come Sunday "the satanic verses ' during the read then can be prosecuted against them. arrest may also be co-director Namita Gokhale of the holding. Join the program are all authors e-mail is sent to the authors expressed at the outburst.
"The satanic verses ' move ban
A group of writers and artists Jaipur. ' the satanic verses "has sought to remove restrictions to the right of freedom of expression of writers and artists in support of demand letters from Jaipur Literature Festival organizing Committee. William delraimpil submit to the demands involved in Government has been urged that the satanic verses over the past 23 years to reconsider the ban continue. also States that the Book has provoked the violence elsewhere, but not its political gains by other people to have used this novel in inciting violence.